Go: Types


1 Basic Types

bool        true or false

Numeric types:

uint        either 32 or 64 bits
int         same size as uint. for integer literals Go infers type int
uintptr     an unsigned integer large enough to store the uninterpreted bits of
            a pointer value
uint8       the set of all unsigned  8-bit integers (0 to 255)
uint16      the set of all unsigned 16-bit integers (0 to 65535)
uint32      the set of all unsigned 32-bit integers (0 to 4294967295)
uint64      the set of all unsigned 64-bit integers (0 to 18446744073709551615)

int8        the set of all signed  8-bit integers (-128 to 127)
int16       the set of all signed 16-bit integers (-32768 to 32767)
int32       the set of all signed 32-bit integers (-2147483648 to 2147483647)
int64       the set of all signed 64-bit integers
            (-9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807)

float32     the set of all IEEE-754 32-bit floating-point numbers
float64     the set of all IEEE-754 64-bit floating-point numbers.
            for floating-point literals Go infers float64

complex64   the set of all complex numbers with float32 real and imaginary parts
complex128  the set of all complex numbers with float64 real and imaginary parts
            for complex literals Go infers complex128

byte        alias for uint8
rune        alias for int32 (represents a Unicode code point)

2 Enumerations

We can group together several constant declarations using the const keyword just once.

const (
        Cyan = 0// 0
        Magenta // 0
        Yellow  // 0

fmt.Println(Cyan, Magenta, Yellow)

type ByteSize float64

const (
        _           = iota // ignore first value by assigning to blank identifier
        KB ByteSize = 1 << (10 * iota)

fmt.Println(KB, TB, YB)
0 0 0
1024 1.099511627776e+12 1.2089258196146292e+24

2.1 iota

Within a constant declaration, the predeclared identifier iota represents successive untyped integer constants. It is reset to 0 whenever the reserved word const appears in the source and increments after each ConstSpec.

const ( // iota is reset to 0
        c0 = iota // c0 == 0
        c1 = iota // c1 == 1
        c2 = iota // c2 == 2

const ( // iota is reset to 0
        a = 1 << iota // a == 1
        b = 1 << iota // b == 2
        c = 3 // c == 3 (iota is not used but still incremented)
        d = 1 << iota // d == 8

const ( // iota is reset to 0
        u = iota * 42 // u == 0 (untyped integer constant)
        v float64 = iota * 42 // v == 42.0 (float64 constant)
        w = iota * 42 // w == 84 (untyped integer constant)

const x = iota // x == 0 (iota has been reset)
const y = iota // y == 0 (iota has been reset)

fmt.Printf("c2 = %d, d = %d, u = %d, v = %.01f, w = %d, x = %d y = %d", c2, d, u, v, w, x, y)
c2 = 2, d = 8, u = 0, v = 42.0, w = 84, x = 0 y = 0

3 Type conversion

The expression T(v) converts the value v to the type T. Go assignment between items of different type requires an explicit conversion which means that you manually need to convert types if you are passing a variable to a function expecting another type.

var i int32 = 42
var f32 float32 = float32(i)
f64 := float64(f32)
var u unit = unit(f)

4 Structs

A struct is a collection of fields/properties. You can define new types as structs or interfaces. You can think of a struct to be a light class that supports composition but not inheritance. You don’t need to define getters and setters on struct fields, they can be accessed automatically. However, note that only exported fields (capitalized) can be accessed from outside of a package.

package main

import (

type Bootcamp struct {
        // Latitude of the event
        Lat float64
        // Longitude of the event
        Lon float64
        // Date of the event
        Date time.Time

func main() {
                Lat:  34.012836,
                Lon:  -118.495338,
                Date: time.Now(),
{34.012836 -118.495338 2019-08-23 12:24:42.70724893 +0500 +05 m=+0.000209487}

A struct literal sets a newly allocated struct value by listing the values of its fields. You can list just a subset of fields by using the "Name:" syntax (the order of named fields is irrelevant when using this syntax). The special prefix & constructs a pointer to a newly allocated struct.

package main

import (

type Point struct {
        X, Y int

type Bootcamp struct {
        // Latitude of the event
        Lat float64
        // Longitude of the event
        Lon float64
        // Date of the event
        Date time.Time

var (
        p = Point{1, 2}  // has type Point
        q = &Point{1, 2} // has type *Point
        r = Point{X: 1}  // Y:0 is implicit
        s = Point{}      // X:0 and Y:0

func main() {
        fmt.Println(p, q, r, s)

        // accessing fields using the dot notation
        event := Bootcamp{
                Lat: 34.012836,
                Lon: -118.495338,
        event.Date = time.Now()
        fmt.Printf("Event on %s, location (%f, %f)",
                event.Date, event.Lat, event.Lon)
{1 2} &{1 2} {1 0} {0 0}
Event on 2019-08-23 12:24:42.972590607 +0500 +05 m=+0.000230459, location (34.012836, -118.495338)

5 Initializing

Go supports the new expression to allocate a zeroed value of the requested type and to return a pointer to it.

x := new(int)

Following expressions using new and an empty struct literal are equivalent and result in the same kind of allocation/initialization.

package main

import (

type Bootcamp struct {
        Lat float64
        Lon float64

func main() {
        x := new(Bootcamp)
        y := &Bootcamp{}
        fmt.Println(*x == *y)

6 Composition vs Inheritance

package main

import "fmt"

type User struct {
        Id       int
        Name     string
        Location string

type Player struct {
        Id       int
        Name     string
        Location string
        GameId	 int

func main() {
        p := Player{}
        p.Id = 42
        p.Name = "Matt"
        p.Location = "LA"
        p.GameId = 90404
        fmt.Printf("%+v", p)
{Id:42 Name:Matt Location:LA GameId:90404}

Player struct has the same fields as the User struct but it also has a GameId field. It can be simplified by composing our struct.

type User struct {
        Id             int
        Name, Location string

type Player struct {
        GameId int

We can initialize a new variable of type Player two different ways.

package main

import "fmt"

type User struct {
        Id             int
        Name, Location string

type Player struct {
        GameId int

func main() {
        // 1. Using the dot notation to set the fields
        p1 := Player{}
        p1.Id = 42
        p1.Name = "Matt"
        p1.Location = "LA"
        p1.GameId = 90404
        fmt.Printf("%+v", p1)
        // 2. Use struct literal
        p2 := Player{
                User{Id: 42, Name: "Matt", Location: "LA"},
                "Id: %d, Name: %s, Location: %s, Game id: %d\n",
                p2.Id, p2.Name, p2.Location, p2.GameId)
        // Directly set a field defined on the Player struct
        p2.Id = 11
        fmt.Printf("%+v", p2)
{User:{Id:42 Name:Matt Location:LA} GameId:90404}Id: 42, Name: Matt, Location: LA, Game id: 90404
{User:{Id:11 Name:Matt Location:LA} GameId:90404}

Because our struct is composed of another struct, the methods on the User struct is also available to the Player.

package main

import "fmt"

type User struct {
        Id             int
        Name, Location string

type Player struct {
        GameId int

func (u *User) Greetings() string {
        return fmt.Sprintf("Hi %s from %s",
                u.Name, u.Location)

func main() {
        p := Player{}
        p.Id = 42
        p.Name = "Matt"
        p.Location = "LA"
Hi Matt from LA

Автор: Pavel

Created: 2019-08-23 Fri 12:24
